EVENT: Academic Freedom and Solidarity with Palestine

Monday, 23 October 2023 at 6:30pm (UK time) – Zoom Webinar


Across the UK and around the world, students and academics have taken a stand against Israeli occupation, violence and impunity. As a result, many have faced intense backlash and harassment, including threats to their livelihoods and safety. 

This panel will unpack the persecution of Palestinian solidarity movements within education. We will discuss how and why anti-Zionism is distinct from antisemitism and terrorism. We will also address what is at stake when academic communities are silenced, not only as a matter of free speech but also as a tactic that plays into the deadly persecution of Palestinian people. 

The event is co-hosted by the Knowledge, Power, Politics research group at the University of Cambridge, the Race, Empire, Education Collective based at the University of Bristol and the Law and Resistance Research Group at Sussex Law School. It will be chaired by Jee Rubin and feature Mai Abu Moghli, Mahvish Ahmad and Hana Morgenstern.

About the panelists 

Mai Abu Moghli is a Palestinian educator and researcher. She is currently a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Lebanese Studies. Her work addresses critical and decolonial approaches to human rights and education.

Mahvish Ahmad is an educator, scholar and organizer. She is an Assistant Professor of Human Rights and Politics at LSE, where she researches state violence and social movements.

Jee Rubin (panel chair) is a PhD student of Jewish heritage who studies education and politics in Syria and the wider Levant. 

Hana Morgenstern is a scholar, writer and translator. She is an Associate Professor in Postcolonial and Middle Eastern Literature at Cambridge University, specializing in cultural co-resistance and solidarity in Palestine/Israel.